Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hello Everyone,
        This is my third quarter at Foothill College. I'm trying to finish all my prerequisites classes as soon as possible, and then start with my major classes. I'm trying to do Nursing first and then Physician Assistant. Hopefully I'll get it done in time. English and Math has always been my weakest subjects. I was not planning to take English this quarter, but I'm almost done. This is the last English class I have to take, and from this class I plan to learn develop a main idea, and thesis because I always have some problems coming up with those two things. I'm currently working at Fry's Electronics in Fremont, and I started 6 months ago. Since I live in Fremont, I was going to go a community college close to my house, but I just wanted a new environment, that's why I decided to come here, and I love it. I hope to transfer to Davis after next year in fall. I am happy with the education rout I have finally decided on, and I'm excited to learn a lot in this class as well as having a great discussions with all of you. And also, with the help of this blog, I will learn how to write regularly and just focus in one topic that I will be writing about.


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