After reading about this law, it made me think about why did they passed the bill in the first place. Even after passing this bill, people are still going to migrate to a different country. This was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generation, would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being illegally in the country. According to Obama in Time's Magazine, "it undermines basic nations of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe." We are all humans, and it is our responsibility to do something good for ourselves and our family. Why do immigrants go to another country? To become something better. I feel like we will have more poverty in third world countries if we we don't allow immigrants t our country, and also we won't have anyone to do labor work for a very low wage. It might be inhumane to say that only immigrants should do work for low wages, but think about it, it is a good job for a start, and they can make their way up from their.
Check out this video by President Obama and his take on the law
Great video post- Hearing the perspective of a Latino American who also happens to be a lawyer and a federal prosecutor, really was able to offer some deeper perspective to the law. I knew that it was bad and immoral but it doesn't always mean that it's illegal. The commentator not only believed it was illegal but said, "she was embarrassed by the law". How can a country like ours in these times have such a backward law in our books?